Tulsi Vivah Mangalashtak in Marathi: Sacred Marriage of Tulsi and Vishnu

Free download Tulsi Vivah Mangalashtak in Marathi. Tulsi Vivah is a Hindu festival that celebrates the marriage of Tulsi ji with Lord Vishnu (Shaligram).

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What is Tulsi Vivah?

Tulsi Vivah is a Hindu festival that celebrates the marriage of the holy plant Tulsi (basil) with Lord Vishnu or his avatar Shaligram. It is observed on the Dwadashi (twelfth day) of the Shukla Paksha (bright fortnight) in the month of Kartik, which usually falls in November. Tulsi Vivah marks the end of the four-month period of Chaturmas, when Vishnu is believed to sleep, and the beginning of the auspicious wedding season.

Tulsi Vivah Mangalashtak lyrics in Marathi

Tulsi Vivah is a symbolic ceremony that represents the union of nature and divinity, as well as the ideal of devotion and fidelity. Tulsi is considered a sacred plant that has many medicinal and spiritual benefits. It is also a symbol of Goddess Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu. By performing Tulsi Vivah, devotees seek the blessings of Vishnu and Lakshmi for a happy and prosperous married life.

What is Story of Tulsi Vivah?

Tulsi Vivah is based on the legend of Vrinda, a devout wife of the demon king Jalandhar, who was killed by Vishnu. Vrinda cursed Vishnu to become a stone (Shaligram) and immolated herself. From her ashes, the Tulsi plant emerged. Vishnu, in order to show his compassion and respect for Vrinda, married the Tulsi plant and blessed it with his presence.

How to Perform Tulsi Vivah Puja at Home?

Tulsi Vivah puja can be performed at home or at a temple with the following steps:

  • Clean the Tulsi plant and its pot with water and decorate it with flowers, sandalwood paste, vermilion, and a red cloth. Place a small idol or picture of Vishnu or Shaligram near the Tulsi plant.
  • Prepare a mandap (canopy) with four pillars and a roof made of mango leaves and flowers. Place a small earthen lamp in the center of the mandap.
  • Offer prayers to Ganesh, the remover of obstacles, and invoke his presence in the mandap.
  • Perform the ritual bath of the Tulsi plant and the Vishnu idol with water, milk, yogurt, honey, and ghee. Offer new clothes, ornaments, and garlands to both of them.
  • Tie a sacred thread or a garland of flowers between the Tulsi plant and the Vishnu idol to symbolize their marriage. Chant the following mantra:

ॐ तुलस्या श्रीर महालक्ष्मीर्विद्याविद्या यशास्विनी

धर्म्या धर्मनाना देवी देवीदेवमनाप्रिया

लभते सुतरं भक्तिमन्तं विष्णुपदं लभते

तुलसी भूर्महालक्ष्मी पद्मिनी श्रीहरिप्रिया ||

  • Perform the circumambulation (parikrama) of the mandap seven times with the lamp in your hand. Offer arati to the Tulsi plant and the Vishnu idol with incense, lamp, and flowers. Sing the Tulsi aarti and the mangalashtak (auspicious verses).
  • Offer prasad (sacred food) to the Tulsi plant and the Vishnu idol and distribute it among the family members and guests. Break the fast (if observed) by eating the prasad.

Tulsi vivah

Tulsi Vivah Mangalashtak in Marathi

Tulsi Vivah Mangalashtak are the verses that are sung during the Tulsi Vivah ceremony to praise and bless the divine couple. They are usually sung in Marathi, the language of Maharashtra, where Tulsi Vivah is widely celebrated. Here are the Tulsi Vivah Mangalashtak in Marathi:

स्वस्ति श्री गणनायकं गजमुखं, मोरेश्वरं सिद्धिदं ।

बल्लाळो मुरुडं विनायकमहं, चिन्तामणि स्थेवरं ||

लेण्याद्रिं गिरिजात्मकं सुरवरदं, विघ्नेश्वरम् ओज़रम् |

ग्रामे रांजण संस्थितम् गणपतिः, कुर्यात् सदा मंगलम || १ ||

गंगा सिंधु सरस्वती च यमुना, गोदावरी नर्मदा ।

कावेरी शरयू महेंद्रतनया शर्मण्वती वेदिका ।।

क्षिप्रा वेत्रवती महासुर नदी, ख्याता गया गंडकी ।

पूर्णा पूर्ण जलैः समुद्र सरिता, कुर्यातसदा मंगलम ।। २ ।।

लक्ष्मी: कौस्तुभ पारिजातक सुरा धन्वंतरिश्चंद्रमा: ।

गाव: कामदुधाः सुरेश्वर गजो, रंभादिदेवांगनाः ।।

अश्वः सप्त मुखोविषम हरिधनुं, शंखोमृतम चांबुधे ।

रत्नानीह चतुर्दश प्रतिदीनम, कुर्वंतु वोमंगलम ।। ३ ।।

राजा भीमक रुख्मिणीस नयनी, देखोनी चिंता करी ।

ही कन्या सगुणा वरा नृपवरा, कवणासि म्यां देईजे ।।

आतां एक विचार कृष्ण नवरा, त्यासी समर्पू म्हणे ।

रुख्मी पुत्र वडील त्यासि पुसणे, कुर्यात सदा मंगलम ।। ४ ।।

लक्ष्मीः कौस्तुभ पांचजन्य धनु हे, अंगीकारी श्रीहरी ।

रंभा कुंजर पारिजातक सुधा, देवेंद्र हे आवरी ।।

दैत्यां प्राप्ति सुरा विधू विष हरा, उच्चैःश्रवा भास्करा ।

धेनुवैद्य वधू वराशि चवदा, कुर्यात सदा मंगलम ।। ५ ।।

लाभो संतति संपदा बहु तुम्हां, लाभोतही सद्गुण ।

साधोनि स्थिर कर्मयोग अपुल्या, व्हा बांधवां भूषण ।।

सारे राष्ट्र्धुरीण हेचि कथिती कीर्ती करा उज्ज्वल ।

गा गार्हस्थाश्रम हा तुम्हां वधुवऱां देवो सदा मंगलम ।। ६ ।।

विष्णूला कमला शिवासि गिरिजा, कृष्णा जशी रुख्मिणी ।

सिंधूला सरिता तरुसि लतिका, चंद्रा जशी रोहिणी ।।

रामासी जनकात्मजा प्रिय जशी, सावित्री सत्यव्रता ।

तैशी ही वधू साजिरी वरितसे, हर्षे वरासी आतां ।। ७।।

आली लग्नघडी समीप नवरा घेऊनि यावा घरा ।

गृह्योत्के मधुपर्कपूजन करा अन्तःपटाते धारा ।।

दृष्टादृष्ट वधुवरा न करितां, दोघे करावी उभी ।

वाजंत्रे बहु गलबला न करणे, लक्ष्मीपते मंगलम ।। ८ ।।

Tulsi Vivah Mangalashtak in Marathi


Tulsi Vivah is a beautiful festival that celebrates the love and devotion of Tulsi and Vishnu. It is also a festival that brings joy and prosperity to the married couples who perform it. By singing the Tulsi Vivah Mangalashtak in Marathi, one can express their gratitude and reverence to the divine couple and seek their blessings.

Tulsi Vivah Mangalashtak lyrics in Marathi are easy to learn and recite, and they convey the essence of the ceremony. If you are looking for Tulsi Vivah Mangalashtak lyrics in Marathi, you can find them online or in books. You can also listen to the Tulsi Vivah Mangalashtak in Marathi songs that are available on various platforms. Tulsi Vivah Mangalashtak in Marathi is a great way to celebrate the sacred marriage of Tulsi and Vishnu and to enrich your spiritual life.

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